The field of broadband and broadcasting includes the following markets:
- The unbundling:
- of the copper local loop, allowing the offer of electronic communications services by using the copper pair connecting users to the local exchanges of Proximus.
- of the fibre local loop, allowing the offer of electronic communications services by using the fibre connecting users to the points of presence of Fiberklaar and Unifiber.
- The bitstream access, allowing the offer of electronic communications services from a central access point, via the network of Proximus or the network of the cable operators.
- The television broadcasting, allowing to distribute audiovisual services (for example television channels) via the network of the cable operators.
The regulatory framework currently in force for these markets is defined by the market analysis of 29 June 2018. In 2021 BIPT has begun the review of this market analysis.
Before that, the regulatory framework for the unbundling of the local loop and the bitstream access was established by the market analysis of 1 July 2011 and, before that, the market analysis of 10 January 2008. In July 2022, the BIPT assessed the evolution of the broadband and TV markets since 2018.
As far as the television broadcasting is concerned, a specific market analysis (also adopted on 1 July 2011) was previously in force.
Each of these analyses is complemented by a series of other decisions specifying the obligations of the operator(s) identified as having significant market power.