Universal Postal Service
The universal postal service includes both domestic and cross-border services and comprises the following:
- the clearance, sorting, transport and delivery of postal items up to 2 kg;
- the clearance, sorting, transport and delivery of postal parcels provided at single piece tariff up to 10 kg;
- the delivery of postal parcels provided at single piece tariff coming from other Member States and weighing up to 20 kg;
- the services for registered items and insured items.
Non-addressed items are not considered to be postal items. Companies delivering unaddressed publicity for instance are consequently not subject to the postal regulation.
- Communication of 16 April 2024 on the list of postal services providers holding an individual licence
- Communication of 30 May 2023 on the list of postal services providers holding an individual licence
- Communication of 10 May 2022 on the list of postal services providers holding an individual licence
- Communication of 15 December 2020 on the list of postal services providers holding an individual licence
- Communication of 10 october 2019 on the list of postal services providers holding an individual licence
- Communication of 22 December 2018 on the list of postal operators holding an individual licence
- Communication of 26 November 2017 on the list of postal operators holding an individual licence
- Communication of 14 June 2016 concerning the list of postal operators having been granted an individual licence
- Communication of 7 May 2014 on the list of the postal operators who have been granted an individual licence for the provision of a service within the universal service scope
- List of postal operators having been granted an individual licence for providing a service that is part of the universal service
Non-universal postal services
Addressed items that do not fall within the weight limits of the universal service (2 kg for letters, direct mail, newspapers and periodicals – 10 kg for postal parcels and 20 kg for parcels coming from other Member States) are considered to be non-universal postal items.
Since the entry into force of the Act of 26 January 2018 on postal services, the delivery of bulk parcels is excluded from the universal service.
Regardless of the weight of the items, postal services and value-added postal items, such as the express services are also excluded from the universal service.
Designation of the universal service provider
bpost has been initially designated by law as universal service provider until 31 December 2018. Since 1 January 2019, bpost continues to provide the universal service on the basis of a management contract concluded with the State for successive five-year periods.
The second management contract designating bpost as the universal service provider is applicable from 1 January 2024 to 31 December 2028.
This means that bpost is obliged to provide the universal postal service throughout the Kingdom at a defined quality and a reasonable price.
Other companies may also provide universal postal services albeit that for the provision of a service of items of correspondence – registered or not – within the universal service a licence has to be obtained beforehand from BIPT.
- Opinion of 25 June 2024 regarding the 2022 and 2023 action plans of bpost following the 2022 customer satisfaction survey
- Decision of 7 May 2024 on the monitoring of mail delivery times for the year 2022
- Decision of 23 January 2024 on the declaration of conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2022
- Opinion of 8 November 2023 regarding the 2021 and 2022 action plans of bpost following the 2021 customer satisfaction survey
- Decision of 26 September 2023 regarding the analysis of tariff increases for bpost's single-piece rates for the year 2024
- Decision of 4 July 2023 regarding the listing and classification of products and services provided by the universal service provider for the year 2022
- Decision of 18 April 2023 on the monitoring of mail delivery times for the year 2021
- Decision of 28 March 2023 on the declaration of conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2021
- Decision of 22 November 2022 regarding the analysis of tariff increases for bpost's single-piece rates for the year 2023
- Decision of 2 August 2022 on the declaration of conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2020
- Decision of 2 August 2022 regarding the listing and classification of products and services provided by the universal service provider for the year 2021
- Decision of 14 December 2021 on the monitoring of mail delivery times for the year 2020
- Decision of 27 September 2021 regarding the analysis of tariff increases for bpost's single-piece rates for the year 2022
- Decision of 17 August 2021 on the declaration of conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2019
- Decision of 22 June 2021 regarding the listing and classification of products and services provided by the universal service provider for the year 2020
- Communication of 20 April 2021 on studies about postal product elasticities
- Decision of 26 January 2021 regarding the listing and classification of products and services provided by the universal service provider for the year 2019
- Decision of 26 January 2021 on the declaration of conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2018
- Decision of 26 January 2021 on the declaration of non-conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2017
- Decision of 20 August 2020 on the monitoring of mail delivery times for the year 2019
- Opinion of 11 March 2020 regarding the draft Resolution of the Chamber of Representatives of 16 January 2020 on the social role of the postman
- Opinion of 6 April 2020 on the bill of 3 December 2019 amending the Act of 26 January 2018 on postal services as regards delivery times
- Decision of 23 December 2019 regarding the listing and classification of products and services provided by the universal service provider for the year 2018
- Opinion of the BIPT Council of 13 December 2019 on the 2018 improvement plan and the 2019 action plan of bpost following the customer satisfaction survey for the year 2018
- Decision of 26 November 2019 on the monitoring of mail delivery times for the year 2018
- Decision of 29 October 2019 regarding the listing and classification of products and services provided by the universal service provider for the year 2017
- Communication of 10 October 2019 on the list of postal operators holding an individual licence
- Decision of 10 October 2019 on the declaration of non-conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2016
- Decision of 17 September 2019 regarding the analysis of tariff increases for bpost's single-piece rates for the year 2020
- Communication of 3 april 2019 regarding the monitoring of the 6th management contract concluded between the State and bpost
- Decision of 1 February 2019 on monitoring mail delivery times for the year 2017
- Communication of 8 January 2019 on the audit of the internal and external monitoring systems of bpost for monitoring the delivery times
- Communication of 22 December 2018 on the list of postal operators holding an individual licence
- Opinion of 17 December 2018 on the 2017 improvement plan and the 2018 action plan of bpost following the customer satisfaction survey for the year 2017
- Decision of 23 November 2018 regarding the analysis of tariff increases for bpost's single-piece rates for the year 2019
- Decision of 30 November 2018 regarding the listing and classification of products and services provided by the universal service provider for the year 2016
- Opinion of 19 May 2018 on the draft Royal Decree pertaining to the calculation of the net costs of the universal service obligations of the universal postal service provider and laying down the rules governing the payment of the public funding
- Opinion of 25 June 2018 on the draft resolution of the Chamber of representatives of 16 July 2015 regarding the quality of postal services
- Opinion of 21 June 2018 regarding the bpost investment project aiming to increase the quality of priority single-piece letter post items
- Decision of 19 June 2018 regarding the analysis of bpost’s single-piece rates for the year 2018
- Communication of 20 april 2018 regarding the execution of an audit of the bpost customer satisfaction survey
- Opinion of 16 April 2018 on the 2016 improvement plan and the 2017 action plan following the customer satisfaction survey for the year 2016
- Decision of 15 March 2018 on monitoring mail delivery times for the year 2016
- Decision of 29 January 2018 regarding the declaration of conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2015 based on the reports drawn up by the Supervisory Board at bpost
- Opinion of 12 January 2018 regarding the recommendations from the KPMG e-commerce study
- Communication of 20 december 2017 on BIPT’s monitoring in 2017 of the postal service providers
- Opinion of 19 October 2017 on the bill regarding postal services
- Decision of 26 September 2017 regarding the listing and classification of products and services provided by the universal service provider for the year 2015
- Communication of 18 May 2017 regarding the results of the study on the Belgian market for parcel delivery in the context of e-commerce activities
- Decision of 21 March 2017 regarding the analysis of bpost's tariff proposal for full rates per piece for the year 2017
- Communication of 13 February 2017 on an overall analysis about postal needs in Belgium
- Communication of 7 February 2017 on the qualitative survey of consumer perceptions within the Belgian postal market
- Opinion of 13 December 2016 regarding the bpost investment project aiming to increase the quality of the priority single-piece letter post items
- Opinion of 30 November 2016 on the 2015 improvement plan and the 2016 action plan following the customer satisfaction survey for the year 2015
- Communication of 24 October 2016 on the results of the study into elasticities of postal products on the Belgian postal market
- Communication of 21 October 2016 on BIPT’s monitoring in 2016 of the postal service providers
- Decision of 10 Octobre 2016 on monitoring mail delivery times for the year 2015
- Consultation of 10 October 2016 regarding the Belgian market for the delivery of (postal) parcels within the framework of e-commerce activities
- Communication of 19 April 2016 regarding the declaration of conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2014 based on the reports drawn up by the Supervisory Board at bpost
- Decision of 12 February 2016 regarding the listing and classification of products and services provided by the universal service provider for the year 2014
- Communication of 18 January 2016 on registered postal items
- Communication of 13 January 2016 on the BIPT follow-up audit of the external BELEX monitoring system of bpost for monitoring the delivery times of domestic priority and non-priority single piece letter post items, and of the internal monitoring system of bpost for domestic registered items and single piece letter postal parcels
- Decision of 13 January 2016 on monitoring mail delivery times for the year 2014 for domestic priority single piece mail, domestic non priority single piece mail, domestic single piece registered items, domestic single piece parcels and incoming cross-border priority single piece letter post
- Communication of 8 December 2015 on the realisation of a statistical survey and analysis regarding the preferences, the needs and the willingness to pay of domestic private and professional users of services relating to the universal postal
- Communication of 15 December 2015 on BIPT’s monitoring in 2015 of the postal service providers
- Communication of 27 October 2015 on BIPT’s monitoring in 2015 of bpost’s quality of service
- Opinion of 6 October 2015 regarding the 2014 improvement plan and the 2015 action plan of bpost following the 2014 customer satisfaction survey
- Opinion of 28 September 2015 on the reform of the Belgian postal regulation
- Decision of 21 September 2015 regarding the analysis of bpost's tariff proposal for full rates per piece for the year 2016
- Summary of 30 June 2015 of the contributions received to the consultation organised by the BIPT Council on 22 January 2015 regarding the designation procedure of the universal service provider
- Presentation of the WIK study "Review of the postal market three years after full market opening on 1 January 2011"
- WIK study « Review of the postal market three years after full market opening on 1 january 2011 »
- Communication of 4 February 2015 regarding the declaration of conformity of bpost's cost accounting system for the year 2013 based on the reports drawn up by the Supervisory Board at bpost
- Consultation of 21 January 2015 on the procedure for designating the universal postal service provider
- Decision of 12 December 2014 on monitoring mail delivery times for the year 2013 for domestic priority single piece mail, domestic non priority single piece mail, domestic single piece registered items, domestic single piece parcels and incoming cross-border priority single piece letter post
- Opinion of 23 December 2014 regarding the 2013 improvement plan and the 2014 action plan of bpost following the 2013 customer satisfaction survey
- Communication of 23 December 2014 on BIPT’s monitoring in 2013 and 2014 of the postal service providers
- Decision of 8 October 2014 regarding the analysis of bpost's tariff proposal for full rates per piece for the year 2015
- Communication of 21 May 2014 on the verification of the calculation of the postal universal service net cost in Belgium
- Communication of 25 April 2014 regarding the monitoring of the quality of the service of bpost carried out by BIPT in 2012
- Decision of 21 March 2014 on monitoring the delivery times for 2012 of domestic priority single piece letter post items, domestic non-priority single piece letter post items, domestic registered single piece letter post items, domestic single piece postal parcels and incoming priority cross-border single piece letter post items
- Decision of 21 March 2014 on monitoring the delivery times for 2011 of domestic priority single piece letter post items, domestic non-priority single piece letter post items, domestic registered single piece letter post items, domestic single piece postal parcels and incoming priority cross-border single piece letter post items
- Communication of 4 February 2014 on the BIPT audit of the external BELEX monitoring system of bpost for monitoring the delivery times of domestic priority and non-priority single piece letter post items, and of the internal monitoring system of bpost for domestic registered items and single piece letter postal parcels
- Communication of 20 February 2014 regarding the compliance statement of the compliance system of the cost accounting system for bpost for 2012 based on the reports made by the College of Commissioners at bpost
- Communication of 20 February 2014 regarding the compliance statement of the compliance system of the cost accounting system for bpost for 2011 based on the reports made by the College of Commissioners at bpost
- Communication of 17 December 2013 regarding the results of the survey of July-August 2013 related to the behaviour and priorities of private and business users about the universal postal service in Belgium
- Opinion of 24 December 2013 on the 2012 improvement plan and the 2013 action plan following the customer satisfaction survey for the year 2012
- Opinion of 28 February 2013 on the 2011 improvement plan and action plan following the customer satisfaction survey for the year 2011
- Decision of 17 December 2013 regarding the analysis of bpost's tariff proposal for full rates per piece for the year 2014
- Communication of 3 December 2013 on BIPT’s monitoring in 2012 of the postal service providers
- Consultation regarding the draft decision of 30 October 2013 regarding the analysis of bpost's tariff proposal for full tariffs per piece for the year 2014
- Communication of 8 August 2013 on the declaration of conformity of bpost's costs accounting system for the year 2010
- Decision of 7 May 2013 on bpost full tariffs for the year 2013
- Decision of 7 May 2013 determining the net cost of the universal postal service for the year 2010
- Communication on BIPT’s monitoring in 2011 of the postal service providers
- Communication on BIPT’s monitoring in 2011 of bpost’s quality of service
- Draft decision of 4 September 2012 determining the net costs for the universal postal service for the year 2010
- Draft decision of 29 October 2012 on the full tariffs of bpost for the year 2013
- Decision of 20 December 2011 concerning the post activities of BAGUENAUDE-TDP
- Decision of 19 Juni 2012 on monitoring mail delivery times for the year 2010 for domestic priority single piece mail, domestic non priority single piece mail, domestic single piece registered items, domestic single piece parcels and incoming cross-border priority single piece letter post
- Consultation regarding the draft decision on monitoring transit times in 2010 for domestic priority single piece mail, domestic non priority single piece mail, domestic single piece registered items, domestic single piece parcels
- Decision of 13 September 2011 regarding the regulatory qualification of the products and services offered by bpost for the year 2010 and for the product “transit”
- Communication on the declaration of conformity of bpost’s cost accounting system for 2007, 2008 and 2009 based on reports drawn up by the Supervisory Board at bpost
- Draft decision of 20 September 2011 on the analysis of bpost tariff protection of individual full tariffs for the year 2011
- Decision of 20 December 2011 on the monitoring of the delivery times for the year 2009 of domestic single piece mail, domestic single piece parcels and incoming cross-border single piece mail of bpost
- Communication of 8 November 2011 regarding the results of the customer satisfaction survey for the year 2010
- Draft decision on the analysis of bpost tariff proposal of individual full tariffs for the year 2012
- Decision of 22 February 2011 on the subsequent approval of bpost’s tariff increases in 2009 for preferential and conventional reserved services
- Decision of 22 February 2011 regarding the results of the study on the monitoring of delivery times for the year 2008
- Decision of 20 July 2011 on the conventional tariffs of bpost for the year 2010
- Consultation on the draft decision of 4 august 2011 on monitoring the delivery time for 2009
- Communication regarding the survey on the universal postal service in Belgium: behaviour and wishes of business users
- Communication of 14 December 2010 on the results of the customer satisfaction survey for the year 2009 pursuant to Article 18 of the fourth management contract between the State and bpost
- Consultation of 5 October 2010 on the monitoring of the delivery times for the year 2008 for domestic prior single piece mail, domestic non-prior single piece mail, domestic registered items, domestic single piece parcels and cross-border prior single piece letter post
- Consultation on the draft decision of 5 October 2010 relating to the posterior approval of the tariff increases in 2009 by Bpost as universal postal service operator
- Decision on the analysis of the tariff proposal for full rates per piece for the year 2010
- Decision of 7 September 2010 on the analysis of the tariff proposal for full rates per piece for the year 2009
- Consultation on the analysis of the tariff proposal of individual full tariffs for the year 2010
- Summary of the reactions to the public consultation of 12 November 2009 on the special tariffs of La Poste for the services intended for non-residential customers, bulk mailers or consolidators
- Communication of 23 February 2010 on the results of the survey of November 2009 related to the behaviour and wishes of private individuals about the universal postal service in Belgium
- Decision of 12 November 2009 on the conformity of the cost accounting system for La Poste for 2006
- Consultation regarding the special tariffs of La Poste for services for businesses, bulk mailers or consolidators of mail from different users
- KPMG: Analysis of the method for the calculation of the costs of the universal service: Management report
- Communication of 23 July 2008 regarding the results of the study on the monitoring of delivery times for mail for the year 2007
- Communication of 17 April 2008 regarding the results of the customer satisfaction survey for the year 2007
- Communication of 3 April 2008 regarding overfull letterboxes
- Communication of 13 November 2007 relating to the ministerial order pertaining to the regulation of private letterboxes
- Consultation regarding a draft communication on postal parcels