Article 13/1, § 1, of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications requires every holder of radio communications devices (radio equipment) to have a written licence delivered by the Institute.
Merchants (manufacturers, importers, salesmen and rental companies) of radio communications equipment can obtain a general holder’s licence for all equipment stocked or displayed by them in the same workshop, depot, warehouse or other location (Article 46, § 1, of this Royal Decree).
This licence entitles him to hold the above-mentioned equipment. A specific licence is required for the use or demonstration of equipment.
A general holder’s licence is only required to hold equipment that is not exempt from licence, i.e. for the trading of equipment that is not listed in Annex 2 of the Royal Decree. Providing the conditions of use of a general authorisation as referred to in Article 13/2, § 3, of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications are observed, it is possible to hold and use radio equipment without having obtained a licence.
General holder’s licences are granted by BIPT at simple request of the person involved.
An annual fee is due for such a general holder’s licence. This fee amounts to (1.2695 x 10) euros (based on 2007) and is indexed annually.
Contact point
BIPT – Licence Department
Ellipse Building C
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 32 Box 10
1000 Brussels
Phone: +32 (0)2 226 88 15
Monthly statement of sales (rentals, donations, …)
rticle 42, § 1, of the Act of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications lays down that it is forbidden to sell, let, loan or donate private radio communications transmitters and/or transceivers to a person who is not authorised to hold such radio equipment under that Act.
According to Article 49 of the Royal Decree of 18 December 2009 on private radio communications and user rights for fixed networks and trunked networks any person who sells, lets, loans or donates radio communications equipment, has to make a declaration to the Institute.
Each month traders send their statement of sales (rentals, donations, …) to the Institute within the first ten days of the following month.
You can find the appropriate form in Annex 3 of the Royal Decree as well as here.
The Equipment Department monitors the application of these provisions. In case of non-compliance a report will be drawn up.