The annual economic statistical report for the electronic communications sector of BIPT for 2019 points out that the use of fixed broadband Internet increased by 33.3% in our country last year.
Each month, an average of 150 GB is used per fixed broadband line.
Cable regulation also strengthened the competition on the fixed broadband market.
As far as the sale of bundled offers is concerned, we observe a shift towards quadruple-play offers, with an increase of 22.5%.
The number of fixed telephone lines and especially their use continue to decrease. The volume of fixed telephony traffic even decreased by 15.1% last year.
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- FR: Download document "Le rapport statistique économique de l’IBPT montre une forte augmentation de la consommation d'internet fixe et un glissement vers les offres quadruple play"
- NL: Download document "Economisch cijferrapport BIPT toont een sterke toename van het vaste internetverbruik en een verschuiving naar 4-play bundels"