Any remarks or complaints about our services?
The BIPT attaches great importance to the quality of its service provision.
However, if you have any comments or complaints, you can address them to the BIPT's complaints coordinator. He will treat your message with care and attention and send you the appropriate answer. He will also try to prevent similar complaints from recurring and act accordingly in order to improve the BIPT's functioning.
- A complaint cannot replace an appeal procedure planned within a legal framework under any circumstance.
- The administrative or judicial litigation does not fall within the competence of the complaints coordinator.
You have experienced an issue with your provider and you would like to file a complaint
Contact your operator first.
Your operator's customer support is legally bound to handle your call within 2.5 minutes. Once this time limit has expired, your operator has to call you back before the end of the next working day.
You have already contacted your operator and you are not satisfied with its answer. What should you do?
If it concerns a postal issue
Contact the Office of the Ombudsman for the postal sector:
Koning Albert II-laan 8 box 4
1000 Brussels
Tel: 02 221 02 20
Fax: 02 221 02 44
If it concerns an issue with your telecommunications operator (billing, contract termination, coverage, ...)
Contact the Office of the Ombudsman for Telecommunications
Boulevard Roi Albert II 8 boîte 3
1000 Brussels
Tel.: + 32 2 223 09 09
Fax: + 32 2 219 86 59
If it concerns an issue related to short SMS or premium numbers
In case of a problem, you can contact your operator.
To file a complaint, you can use this website.
It is a problem relating to trade practices or Internet fraud
Contact the FPS Economy, SMEs, Self-Employed and Energy
City Atrium C
Vooruitgangstraat 50
1210 Brussels
Tel.: 0800 120 33
Fax: 0800 120 57
You are experiencing a radio interference issue
Please contact the National Spectrum Monitoring Department of the BIPT:
Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 32 box 10
1000 Brussels
Tel: +32 2 226 88 00
Fax: +32 2 226 88 02 or
You are experiencing an issue with your provider of audiovisual media services or video sharing platform
Does the complaint regard the content broadcasted?
In case of a problem, contact your provider first.
In principle, the Communities (Flemish, French and German-speaking Communities) are responsible for broadcasting in Belgium.
Each one has created its reference body: the VRM, the CSA and the Medienrat. In accordance with their respective competences, we invite you to contact one of them for the providers of audiovisual media services or video sharing platforms established in Belgium.
The BIPT has within its brief the audiovisual media services (including WebTV) and the video sharing platforms of providers established in the bilingual Brussels-Capital Region, the programmes of whom are not exclusively broadcasted in French or in Dutch.
Ellipse Building C
Boulevard du Roi Albert II 32, box 10
1000 Brussels
Tel.: +32 2 226 88 88
It concerns a matter or a complaint regarding the accessibility of the audiovisual media services for disabled people
The BIPT supplies an online single point of contact to provide information and receive complaints concerning the accessibility of audiovisual media services for disabled people.