This decision is an implementing measure of the decision of the CRC of 29 June 2018 on the analysis of broadband and television broadcasting as regards the part falling under BIPT’s competence and details the obligation imposed by the CRC concerning the monitoring of the prices of wholesale services the provision of which is imposed on cable operators (Brutélé, Voo SA and Telenet). This price monitoring consists in the obligation to apply “fair” prices.
The wholesale services concerned are central access to cable networks (bitstream access) and access to the digital and analogue television offer of cable operators.
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- FR: Download document "Décision de la CRC du 26 mai 2020 concernant les tarifs mensuels pour l’accès de gros aux réseaux des câblo-opérateurs pour la radiodiffusion télévisuelle sur le territoire de la Région bilingue de Bruxelles-Capitale et la large bande"
- NL: Download document "Besluit van de CRC van 26 mei 2020 betreffende de maandelijkse tarieven voor wholesaletoegang tot de netwerken van de kabeloperatoren voor televisieomroep in het tweetalig gebied Brussel-Hoofdstad en voor breedband"