In this Decision, BIPT determines the cost-oriented access tariffs of the "Wholesale Multicast" offer and the Ethernet transport for the "BROBA" and "WBA VDSL2" offers. The Decision shall take effect and enter into force two months after its publication.
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (FR, NL)
- FR: Download document "Décision du 13 janvier 2015 concernant la tarification de l’offre «Wholesale Multicast» et du transport Ethernet pour les offres «BROBA» et «WBA VDSL2»"
- NL: Download document "Besluit van 13 januari 2015 betreffende de tarifering van het "Wholesalemulticastaanbod" en van het Ethernet-transport voor de "BROBA"- EN "WBA VDSL2"-aanbiedingen"