• Opinion of 6 October 2015 regarding the 2014 improvement plan and the 2015 action plan of bpost following the 2014 customer satisfaction survey

    Publications › Opinion -
    Based on the available information, BIPT finds that bpost has carried out measurements in order to assess the satisfaction rate of its customers in 2014, and gives a favourable opinion as regards the realisation of the 2014 improvement plan and the improvement measures which it aims at for 2015. Based on the data provided by bpost BIPT comes to the conclusion that the general satisfaction rate peaks in 2014 with 86.5% of the customers indicating that they are rather satisfied, satisfied or very satisfied. Although customer satisfaction has increased in general, BIPT points to the decrease in customer satisfaction of companies as regards among other things the proximity and the opening times of the Postal Points. An exploratory study into the preferences and needs (that may have changed) of companies might constitute a possible solution to the get a better insight into the problem. BIPT encourages bpost to continue its efforts as regards the improvement of the satisfaction indices that relate among other things to the services in case of loss of or damage to the regular items of companies, the ease with which registered items can be received for companies and private persons and the accessibility of the postal offices for companies and private persons
  • Addendum to the Communication of 24 June 2015 concerning the WRC 2015

    Publications › Communication -
    This communication concerns the European common proposals.
  • Opinion of the BIPT Council of 28 September 2015 on the reform of the Belgian postal regulation

    Publications › Opinion -
    In November 2014, BIPT entrusted WIK-Consult with the task of drawing up a report aiming at comparing the market situation before and after its liberalisation, assessing the impact of the opening to competition and identifying possible remaining barriers in the Belgian postal market. More than a simple overview of the situation, this report was to provide a basis for further reflection on the relevance and efficiency of the current postal regulation and legislation. Based on the economic analysis of the Belgian postal market during the 2011-2014 period as well as the analysis of the current regulatory framework, and comparing the Belgian results to those of other European countries, WIK drew a series of conclusions leading to eleven recommendations of higher or lower priority. BIPT discussed seven of these recommendations considered particularly important in the context of a future reform of the Belgian postal regulation. Following the analysis of the legal and economic context, an opinion is delivered on the various themes covered.
  • BIPT Council decision of 21 September 2015 regarding the analysis of bpost's tariff proposal for full rates per piece for the year 2016

    Publications › Decision -
    This decision aims at monitoring the compliance with the rules regarding the calculations of the tariff increases for bpost's individual full tariffs for 2016. Full tariffs are tariffs for products destined for private users (or business users who would not benefit from discount rates for the deposit of bulk products). Full tariffs do not vary according to the volume deposited or the preparation of postal items. This monitoring takes place by virtue of Article 144ter of the Act of 21 March 1991 on the reform of certain economic public companies as well as Articles 29, 31 and 32 of the Royal Decree of 11 January 2006 implementing Title IV (Reform of the Postal Authorities) of the Act of 21 March 1991 on the reform of certain economic public companies.
  • Communication of 21 September 2015 on the issue of the identification of the handling postal service provider

    Publications › Communication -
    This communication lays down the principle that "the mark allowing the identification of the handling service provider", according to Article 148bis, §2, 4th indent of the Act of 21 March 1991 on the reform of certain economic public companies, is the mark of the service provider having initially handled the item.
  • Consultation on the draft Royal Decree amending the Royal Decree of 18 December 2009 on private radio communications and user rights for fixed networks and trunk networks

    Publications › Consultation -
    This draft mainly concerns the annual fees for the use of radio relay links.
  • Reference offer of Brutélé of 14 September 2015

    Publications › Communication -
    Reference offer of Brutélé of 14 September 2015
  • Reference offer of Telenet of 14 September 2015

    Publications › Communication -
    Reference offer of Telenet of 14 September 2015
  • Draft decision of the BIPT Council on the approval of the reference offer of Brutélé in the bilingual region of Brussels-Capital

    Publications › Consultation -
    Deadline for reply: until 13 October 2015. E-mail your reactions to: consultation.sg@bipt.be (Subject: "Consult-2015-D7"). Contact person: Thomas Gille, Engineer-Advisor (02 226 88 55).
  • Draft decision of the BIPT Council on the approval of the reference offer of Telenet in the bilingual region of Brussels-Capital

    Publications › Consultation -
    Deadline for reply: until 13 October 2015. E-mail your reactions to: consultation.sg@bipt.be (Subject: "Consult-2015-D6"). Contact person: Thomas Gille, Engineer-Advisor (02 226 88 55).
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