On 22 June 2020, the National Security Council approved a series of additional security measures concerning mobile networks.
Following this approval, a draft bill introducing additional security measures for the provision of mobile 5 services and a draft Royal Decree with a view to a secure 5G roll-out have been submitted for public consultation from 2/12/2020 until 30/12/2020.
A new draft Royal Decree was drafted, that will complete the aforementioned Royal Decree (that was submitted for public consultation in December 2020) and aims at introducing additional security measures for the provision of mobile 5G services for the full MVNOs and the appeal to service providers.
At the request of the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Civil Service, Public Enterprises, Telecommunication and the Postal Services, the BIPT is organising a public consultation on the texts in the annex.
- FR: Download document "Consultation concernant un projet d’arrêté royal qui vise à introduire des mesures de sécurité supplémentaires pour la fourniture de services mobiles 5G pour les full MVNO et le recours à des fournisseurs de services"
- NL: Download document "Raadpleging over een ontwerp van koninklijk besluit dat beoogt om bijkomende beveiligingsmaatregelen in te voeren voor de verstrekking van mobiele 5G-diensten voor de full MVNO’s en het beroep op dienstenaanbieders"