Mobile indoor coverage is often not optimal.
The tendency to build and renovate energy-efficiently contributes to hindering mobile coverage indoors.
In order to improve mobile indoor coverage, users can themselves take a number of steps.
One of those possible measures a user can take, is to install fixed directional aerials outside the house.
This decision describes the technical characteristics for those directional aerials.
This document is not available in your language. However, you can consult it in the following language: (FR, NL)
- FR: Download document "Décision du Conseil de l’IBPT du 29 mars 2018 concernant les caractéristiques techniques des antennes directionnelles dans les réseaux mobiles."
- NL: Download document "Besluit van de Raad van het BIPT van 29 maart 2018 aangaande de technische karakteristieken van richtantennes in de mobiele netwerken"