The Act of 10 July 2012 pertaining to various provisions regarding electronic communications has added, among other things, an Article 114/1, §2, to the Act
of 13 June 2005 on electronic communications (hereinafter ECA). This article reads as follows (emphasis added): "The undertakings providing public
communications networks or publicly available electronic communications services shall immediately notify the Institute of a breach of security or loss of integrity that has had a significant impact on the operation of networks or services. Following the prior consent of the Minister, the Institute shall specify in which hypotheses the breach of security or loss of integrity has a significant impact in the sense of this paragraph." This decision implements, among other things, the last sentence of the above-mentioned provision.
- FR: Download document "Décision du Conseil de l’IBPT du 1er avril 2014 fixant les hypothèses dans lesquelles les opérateurs doivent notifier à l’IBPT un incident de sécurité et les modalités de cette notification"
- NL: Download document "Besluit van de Raad van het BIPT van 1 april 2014 tot vaststelling van de hypothesen waarin de operatoren aan het BIPT een veiligheidsincident moeten melden en van de nadere bepalingen van deze kennisgeving"